Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ready for the apple crumble task

Weather Links and Internet/phone info.

Here in Japan for weather info we use the following links:

JMA, weather map.

JMA, local wind situation. (from here it's easy to go to an other area).

JMA, local weather warning ( same).

JMA, local rain radar (same)., local forecast, for up to 5 days. (also easy to move to an other area).

Yes, you'll need internet on board. In this part of Japan: SailMail and Winlink connections are very poor!

Once we got our internet going…we had coverage almost anywhere between Ishigaki and Fukuoka.

BUT at this writing there is a catch:

It's not easy to get that mobile phone/internet account. Officially, only those with a "fixed" home address can get a contract. So for short term visiting cruising yachts… You'll have to make deal with a helpful Nippon resident.

The best mobile internet set-up is from DoCoMo.

Mind you, here in Fukuoka and so in other BIG cities, (Ishigaki is a small town) you can get Prepaid Internet with-out that "fixed" home address thing.

This internet connection is called B-Mobile.

Pre-paid mobile phones are, same story, also only available in Big Cities. See SoftBank for this.

Hope this might be of help.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Runners On The Move

These legs are made for Running.

It's 12 noon, time to start;-)

Oh yes it's fun to run. Even here below the express way. Left and right country side has plenty to look at.

Country side in winter mode.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

End of Autumn

This week was definite the end of autumn.
Of course it came with daily dropping temperatures, so Alishan got equipped with a kerosene heather.
On top of that: One day we had solid rain, thunder and lightning for 24 hours, followed by a day with gale force winds : 40+ knots from the West. An okay direction for us, but the boats in Odo Yacht Harbor had less fun. (see previous update).
Then again, today (Saturday) it was a great day with wall to wall blue sky…. But as soon the sun is down: Close those hedges and start that heather!!

2 Days were spent shaking the nets for “tomba” (small fish, see below).
It was fun to help Katsuyoshi (77), his wife (74) and sister (74). It also felt like I was doing my old job: Daycare Rehab for Elderly.
But these “youngsters” are in NO need for rehab, they kept on shaking and sorting the fish for 6 hours, non-stop!
What a pleasure and the more as 1 day we had a super BIG small fish catch!

Shaking the nets....(with Alishan at the back).

Always some herons around...guess why;-)

Marijke goes birding when ever the weather is good and still comes home with “firsts”.

For sure it’s a bonus to have a good oven on board and with all the marathon training…Cake and pies are welcome.
